Kategorie: Buch

»Der Törn vom Haff ins Watt«: Jetzt Vorbestellung möglich

Das neue Buch, »Der Törn vom Haff ins Watt«, ist ab sofort zur Vorbestellung bei Amazon erhältlich. Es erscheint am 25. März 2022. Die Vorbestellung für Tolino folgt in wenigen Tagen. Es ist eine spannende Reiseerzählung: Das Buch berichtet von unserem Segeltörn von Berlin nach Bremen. Wir haben unser Boot “außenherum”, über die Ostsee und Warnemünde, von der Spree an die Elbe überführt. Weiter ging es auf die Nordsee und dann die Weser hinauf. Es wird viel gesegelt, aber es gibt auch zahlreiche Landgänge in dem Buch, die von Berlin-Kreuzberg bis Oldenburg und den ostfriesischen Inseln reichen.

New release: »Sailing to Scandinavia«

The English edition of is now available: »Sailing to Scandinavia – a journey to the end of the Baltic Sea«. The book tells the story of our journey to the end of the Bothnian Sea in the summer of 2021. Exclusive bonus: Mr Moose comes into play in the English edition. The friendly swimming moose accompanies the reader through the book and has many tips on sailing that he would like to share. The author also keeps an eye out for the swimming moose.

Meet “Mr Moose”, the friendly swimming moose. Illustration: Artpuppy

Of course, the same travel experiences as in the German edition of the book can also be read in English: From Hamburg, the journey goes to Denmark and Sweden and to Finland. From there, we sail our “Vindö 32” along the coast south to the Aland Islands before returning to Central Europe.

This is an exciting journey – Sailors from the UK should enjoy it, and from the Netherlands and Belgium. And even if you are from Scandinavia, as from Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, this book should be fascinating. “Sailing to Scandinavia” is also an exciting read for sailing enthusiasts from the United States – those who want to travel to Europe or are interested in how sailing is done here. If you have a general interest in Sweden and Finland, this is a must-read for you!

The printed Book and the E-Book edition is available here:

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How to Switch Amazon Germany (Amazon.de) to English – Portugalist
Die englische Ausgabe in Deutschland bestellen

Available in the US
Available in Canada